VR Training module for Robotic surgery skill acquisition

Under Dr. Nirav Patel and Dr. Manivanan

📍 IIT Madras, Master's Thesis

"VR Training module for Robotic surgery skill acquisition using Kuka IIWA", is my IIT Madras Dual Degree Project as part of partial fulfilment for the award of "Bachelor of Technology in Engineering Design" and "Master of Technology in Biomedical Engineering", at Indian Institute of Technology Madras. This project involves Patient- robot coordinate frame registration, surgery planning and Implementation on a virtual headset.

The following platforms are being used: ROS, Unity, 3D-slicer and Steam VR.
Here is a 15 mins presentation and demo of our training module.

Here is a schematic workflow of the event manager, all the features, and their codependency in our VR Training module.

The UI and event manager in our module follows the given outline below.

The Slicer interface of all the points in space before(red) and after(blue) registration.