Dual Degree (Master's + Bachelor's) in Engineering Design at IIT Madras

Specializing in Biomedical Engineering

ED17B001-ABHINAV AZAD-Dual Degree
SNoCourse noCourse TitleCourse CategoryCreditGradeAtt
First Semester (JUL-NOV 2017)
1AM1100 Engineering MechanicsEngineering10BVG
2ED1021Introduction to Computation and VisualizationProfessional 9BVG
3ED1031Creative DesignProfessional 3SVG
4GN1101Life Skills 1Science 0PG
5ID1200 Ecology and EnvironmentScience 0PG
6MA1101Functions of Several VariablesScience 10DG
7ME1120Engineering DrawingEngineering 7BVG
8PH1010Physics IScience 10DG
Earned Credit:49GPA:7.31CGPA:7.31
Second Semester (JAN-MAY 2018)
9ED1011Functional and Conceptual DesignProfessional 9AVG
10ED1033Form and Aesthetics in Design IProfessional 6AG
11ED2090Geometric Modelling and CADProfessional 12DG
12EE1101Signals and SystemsEngineering 10DG
13GN1102Life Skills 2Science 0PG
14MA1102Series and MatricesScience 10DG
15NS1020 NSOScience 0PVG
16PH1030 Physics Laboratory IScience 4AVG
Earned Credit:51GPA:7.12CGPA:7.21
Summer (SUMMER 2018)
17WS1301Workshop-IEngineering 3AVG
18WS1303Workshop-IIEngineering 3BVG
Earned Credit:6GPA:8.5CGPA:7.28
Third Semester (JUL-NOV 2018)
19ED1034Form and Aesthetics in Design IIProfessional 6SG
20ED2011Design of Mechanical Systems 1Professional 15EG
21ED2012Manufacturing ProcessesProfessional 6CG
22ED2130Analog and Digital ElectronicsProfessional 13BVG
23ED2141Physics of MeasurementScience 9BG
24MA2020Differential EquationsScience 9EVG
Earned Credit:58GPA:7.22CGPA:7.26
Fourth Semester (JAN-MAY 2019)
25AS5710Overview of Defence Technologies Professional 9SVG
26CY1050Macromolecules as Engineering MaterialsScience 9BVG
27ED2040Control SystemsProfessional 12BG
28ED4040Design of Thermal and Fluid SystemsProfessional 15CVG
29ED4060Design of Mechanical Systems 2Professional 15AVG
Earned Credit:60GPA:8.3CGPA:7.54
Fifth Semester (JUL-NOV 2019)
30AS5711Utilization and procurement of niche technologies in defenseProfessional 9SVG
31BT1010Life SciencesScience 9BVG
32ED3010Human Factors in Design (L&P)Professional 9AG
33ED5040Human Anatomy, Physiology & BiomechanicsProfessional 12BVG
34ED5052Electromagnetic Compatibility for Product DesignProfessional 10BG
35ED5080Mechatronics System Design Professional 9BVG
Earned Credit:59GPA:8.46CGPA:7.73
Sixth Semester (JAN-MAY 2020)
Semester exchange at Czech Technical University, Prague
Seventh Semester (JUL-NOV 2020)
on semester exchange at CTU, Prague
Eighth Semester (JAN-MAY 2021)
36ED5601Project I (Industry)Professional 40AG
Earned Credit:40GPA:9CGPA:7.89
Summer (SUMMER 2021)
37ED5602Project IIProfessional 20
Earned Credit:20GPA:9CGPA:7.95
Ninth Semester (JUL-NOV 2021)
38ED5603Project IIIProfessional 35
39ED6001Medical Image AnalysisProfessional 12AG
40GN5001Self-awarenessScience 9SVG
Earned Credit:21GPA:9.16CGPA:8.12
Tenth Semester (JAN-MAY 2022)
41CE5840Transportation Engineering SeminarProfessional2AVG
42EE6130Advanced Topics in Signal ProcessingEngineering 9AG
43GN6001Integral KarmayogaProfessional 9AVG
Earned Credit:20GPA:9CGPA:8.16
Summer (SUMMER 2022)
Earned Credit:12GPA:7.25CGPA:8.14
Transfer Credits
44NPTELE - Introduction to Internet of Things9
45SEM.EXCHumanities credit courses at CTU, Prague34
46SEM.EXCProfessional credit courses at CTU, Prague63
47SEM.EXCScience credit courses at CTU, Prague14
Cumulative Grade Point Average(CGPA) Summary

Transfer credits are not included in Earned Credits and not considered for CGPA calculation. Transfer credits + Earned Credits should meet the Total Credit requirement.

Cumulative grade point average secured considering only the successfully completed courses(credits) is 8.14

Abhinav Azad

First, win yourself, engage your natural potential and thrive.