Abhinav Azad

Researcher and Artist

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About Me

About Me

Welcome to my webpage. Here you can find some of my previous research, engineering, design and art projects.

The topics that I'm currently interested in are design, HMI, extended reality(XR), and mixed media. I believe that technology is an extension of our intelligence, catalysing our exploration and learning. An informed and intentional exploration can bring deeper understanding and put forward solutions to our evolving human-machine consciousness.

Starting from my bachelor's and master's multidisciplinary education in Engineering design and Biomedical design engineering, I have been engaged in interdisciplinary industrial projects and academic research. During my education and the wide range of projects, I had the chance to work in design, computer vision, deep learning, human factors, behavioural science, mechanical, electronics, and biomedical engineering.

Presently, I am a PhD researcher at the MXR (Mobility in eXtended reality) Lab in TU Delft under the supervision of Dr. Ir. Yan Feng and Prof. Dr. Ir. S.P. (Serge) Hoogenhoorn. My research aims to investigate the capabilities, and differences of different XR technologies namely VR, AR and MR in pedestrian behaviour studies in various contexts. The values and working principles that are important for me are having a collaborative mindset, crucial conversations, accountability and compassion.
Let's talk about ideas that inspire and motivation will infect us somewhere.

  • Name: Abhinav Azad
  • Degree: Master
  • Languages: Hindi, English
Python, Matlab, C#
HTML, Latex

Unity, Blender,
ROS, Linux

VR/XR development,
3D-Modelling, CAD
Adobe Creative Suite
Game Design,
Computer Vision,

Recent News

Research Projects

Research Projects

Briefing my recent projects and research expereinces

VR Training module for Robotic surgery skill acquisition on Kuka IIWA

📍 IIT Madras, Master's Thesis
  • OBJECTIVE: Development of a VR training module on Kuka IIWA for neurosurgery registration task
  • METHOD: Characterization of Kuka IIWA and cross platform registration for image-guided surgery using 3D slicer
  • Outcome: VR learing environment development for training experience for medical experts and surgeons

Ensemble model for Covid-19 Detection in CXRs

📍 Cerner Intelligence, Oracle
  • OBJECTIVE: Chest X-rays image analysis identifying abnormalities for COVID identification
  • METHOD: Improvisation in model learning with limit dateset using DL and image processing, unbalanced data handling, feature visualization for AI explain-ability using Grad-cam
  • OUTCOME: 98.3% precision in Lungs Segmentation using UNET and achieved 3 disease classification on CXRs with cross-val accuracy over 95% and over 94% Recall for test and validation, work of our group to be published in international conferences

Minuscule parts detection in collaborative robotics

  • OBJECTIVE: Real-time detection of miniature parts in Human-Robot interaction assembly line on Nvidia Jetson Nano micro-controller and Intel Realsense dept camera 435i
  • METHOD: Built on ROS and optimization by feeding cropped windows of HD stream to the CNN by additional Image processing of the workspace
  • OUTCOME: Live detection of tiny parts with Full HD imaging on Jetson Nano was possible 61x faster and currently drafting our paper to publish the research in international journals

Hand-held Grain detector and Analyzer

📍 InfyU Labs
  • OBJECTIVE: Develop a device to identify rice types and techniques to segment, separate & use touching rice grains samples to increase sampling efficiency, over Raspberry Pi & Python
  • METHOD: Computer vision to detect overlapping grains using convexity criteria on the rice grain contours and separated the contours to increase samples for learning and averaging
  • OUTCOME: Developed a Hand-held multi grain analyzer module

Fastening solution for themoset plastics durable to repetitive usage

📍 Nagaoka Universty of Tech, Japan
  • OBJECTIVE: Fastening solution for Thermoset Plastics for durable and repeatable usage
  • METHOD: Testing of the screws for resulting torques (TD, TS, and TD) using ‘Qualimate Torque Analyzer’ under varied load conditions and different materials
  • OUTCOME: Redesigned and developed new tapping screws, “Special Nonserts” for SAIMA Corporation, Japan.

End Effector offset correction in 5-DoF CNC based surgical robot

📍 HTIC, Reseach Park IITM
  • OBJECTIVE: Minimizing end-effector offsets in ‘5 DoF spinal surgical robot’ during arm rotations
  • METHOD: Utilized Reverse-Engineering for improvement of the actuation process and re-designed the end-effector module: Given the final target and length of the operating needle
  • OUTCOME: Achieved Zero-offset condition for rotation of any arm along any axis

Ergonomic Crutch for patients of Indian demography

📍 IIT Bombay
  • Winner among all the 16 IITs across India in ‘BETiC3 Medical Innovation Challenge’
  • Analyzed gait patterns & developed modern crutch suitable in workspace for Indian patients
  • Developed “Ergonomic Crutch” for assisting physically disabled, tackling problems in existing crutches
My Resume

My Resume

Timeline story for my education and professional experiences



2020 - 2021

Prague, Czech Republic

6th & 7th semester pursuing research and specialisation courses in Biomedical Faculty of ČVUT in Kladno, Czech Republic ČVUT course list CIIRC internship Project

Bachelors and Masters in Engineering Design
>> Specialization in Biomedical Engineering

2017 - 2022

Department of Engineering Design - IITM, Chennai, India

Dual degree in Engineering design at IITM offers an inter-disciplinary curriculum as a combination of Electrical and Mechanical engineering with expertise in a select specialization, introduced with the essence of Design Thinking to tackle the modern engineering problems.

CGPA Grade : 8.14/10 IITM course list

Joint Entrance Examination - ADVANCED


Pan India exam conducted by IIT Madras

All India Common List Rank : 9853
Total Candiates appeared for exam : 1.59 million
IITs have an acceptance rate of less than 0.5%




For the student with the best academic record in GN 5001- Self Awareness course, IIT Madras Convocation 2022

Ram Shriram Scholarship


Selected for RSM scholarship among the 14 students selected yearly based on performance

Gold Medal - 7th Inter IIT Tech Meet, IIT Bombay


Winner among all the 16 IITs across India in BeTIC Medical Innovation Challenge

Institute Best Artist Award, IIT Madras


Institute’s “Best Artist Award-2018” in IITM by Vedic with proficiency in Oil painting, Watercolor

Winner at ‘ JIGNYASA Science Fair'


Developed an “Inexpensive soil testing kit” with organic treatment alternatives in mordern farming

National Bal Shree Honor, 📍New Delhi


Honored by the Education minister, India’s most prestigious honor for under 18 years in the stream of Creative Scientific Innovations Innovation

Professional Experience

🧪 Graduate Research Assistant

Sept 2022 - Present(On-going)
Conversational agents, affective computing in VR and augmented point of care in HMI

📍Signals & Interactive Systems lab, Univeristy of Trento, Italy

  • Guide : Prof. Giuseppe Riccardi
  • 🏗 Data Analyst

    Feb-Dec, 2021 (10 months)
    Abnormalities & AI automated Covid-19 detection in CXRs.
    See what my colleagues had to say about my time here.

    📍Cerner Corporation, Bangalore, India

    🧪 Computer Vision and Robotics intern

    July, 2020 - Feb, 2021 (7 months)
    Real-time detection of miniature parts in Robotic assembly line

    📍Robot & Machine Perception, CIIRC, Prague, CZ

  • Guide : Dr. R Škoviera, Prof. Václav Hlaváč
  • 🏗 Research & product design intern

    Nov, 2019 - Feb, 2020 (4 months)
    Hand-held Grain detector and Analyzer

    📍InfyU labs, IIT Ghandinagar, India

    • Worked at an early-stage heath-tech startup, seed funded in crores by Indian angle network

    🏗 Materials science intern

    May - July, 2019 (3 Months)
    Fastening solution on themoset plastics for repetitive usage

    📍Nagaoka Univeristy of Technology, Japan

    • I was among the top 3 students from India qualified for NUT Summer Industrial Research Internship.
    • Guide : Prof. Okazaki Masakazu

    🏗 Robotics Intern

    Nov- Dec, 2018 (2 months)
    5- Dof CNC based spinal surgical robots

    📍Healthcare Technology Innovation Centre, IITM Research park, India

    National Balshree Honor Ceremony telecast
    Design Portfolio

    Design Portfolio

    I believe in creating an impact with Art and Technology, art caters our creativity and technology electifies our spirit

    Unity projects

    • Art
    • Design
    • Astrophotogrpahy

    Mirror self-portrait (oil)

    Patna, 5th Aug 2021

    Indian women (oil)

    Mother's portrait, Patna, 11th Sept 2022

    Potrait of a woman on Charle's bridge (wash)


    Potrait in Watercolor

    Sunday, 20th January 2019


    Mahatama Gandhi in watercolor


    Commisioned digital painting on Adobe Sketch

    Girl with angels (oil)

    IIT Madras, 2019


    Human expression in Charcoal

    The Bitches of Xoxo

    My first freelancing mural wall-painting.

    Man's portrait in rail (Charcoal)

    Train Patna-Kota, 2017

    20th Century Indian Man (Charcoal)

    Father's Portrait, Patna, 2018

    The Untethered

    Woman in charcol. She doesn't wanna give up!

    feeling aesthetics (Charcoal)

    Chennai, 2017

    Winter fox

    Digital painiting of a Red Fox in snowy Forest on iPad


    My sister's illustration on Adobe illustrator

    Steel jug on a chair (Wash)

    Patna, 2014

    Portable Grain detector

    Product design on AutoCad Fusion with various electronic modules

    Ergonomic Crutch

    Multi-functional of an ergonomics crutch with mechanical testing simulations

    Tropical textures

    Textures from Tropical Dry Evergreen Forest, Chennai

    Art Roller

    for creative wall painting

    Flame and the Horse head Nebula

    Barnard 33 & NGC 2024
    Magnitude: +2 & +6.8

    Whale and the Hockey stick Galaxy

    NGC 4631 & NGC 4656/57
    Magnitude: +9.8 & +11.0

    Crab Nebula

    SN 1054
    Magnitude: +8.4

    Andromeda galaxy

    Messier 31
    Magnitude: +3.44

    The Panstar Comet

    C/2011 L4 Magnitude: +18.19

    Rosette Nebula

    Caldwell 49 | NGC 2237
    Magnitude: +9.0

    Cigar and Bode galaxy

    M82 and M81 galaxies
    Magnitude: +8.41 & +6.94

    Cone and the X-mas tree nebulae

    NGC 2264
    Magnitude: +3.9

    Whirlpool Galaxy

    Messier 51a | NGC 5194
    Magnitude: +3.9

    Star trail

    Night timelapse photography in Phoenix valley, Kausani



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